The art of Spiritual Warfare
The big picture of the battlefield must be understood as a warrior. I will take you through each aspect of the battle and give solutions. Enjoy!
From the moment we enter this life we are subject to the war of the Spirit. Whether people know it or not, they are swayed by the beat of the dimensions unseen in the physical realm. God has the power to open your spiritual eyes to this reality if he so desires. Most have no idea of the powers at play. Similar to being plugged into the Matrix in regards to the Babylon system that controls the Earth, people have to be awakened to this layer of warfare. If you don’t feel it personally then it will not become a reality that you live with. Anyone can read the Bible and see that there are forces of darkness and forces of light that are working behind the scenes. Once we see and feel the influence these things have on our lives, we cannot see the world the same again. As we dive into the depths of understanding the battlefield - I don’t want people to feel fear. I want the result of this post to make you feel you are better equipped to partner with Jesus to use your authority over the enemy. Enjoy.
My life has always been supernatural. The enemy targeted me at a young age. For a year straight when I was around 7 years old or so, I had the same recurring nightmare. In this nightmare, a demon disguised as a little girl made strange movements that were hypnotic in nature. Behind her was a black and white spiral. I didn’t tell anyone because I thought it might just be normal. After this, they did things through the years to me but not as blunt as this. My real spiritual awakening to the battlefield started 7 years ago. While many people have been fighting longer than I have, my warfare was heavy. I spoke about this shortly in my testimony. God showed me through a dream that Satan waged war on me. I was tormented for months in a horrific way. God put his shield on me after this. I believe I got to see the raw devastation of God lowering his shield on me. He did it for my benefit. I felt very traumatized by what I went through for some time. But now I look back with joy that God allowed the enemy to awaken me to this deeper truth of the Spirit. I have not felt the full brunt of the enemy's hands since God started shielding me. Ever since then I have felt their sheer frustration they cannot attack me in the same light. Now they attack me in different forms, and I will speak on each form in this article.
In order to progress we need to establish the foundations of warfare through some Bible verses.
"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Ephesians 6: 11-17
“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” Luke 10: 19
The first example we see of spiritual warfare on Humanity is in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were living in the richness of unity with God. They walked with him closely. God made them in his image, and they were co-ruling with Jesus. The serpent did what he does best - he twisted the image of God to them. He planted seeds of doubt. The tree they could not eat from was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They did not question who God was before this. When they ate from this tree they now lived in the realm of questioning if God was truly good. This is a huge insight into the nature of the war we are in.
We need to understand who the Devil and the forces of Darkness are. The modern Church has planted two powerful lies into believers. That the war between God and Satan is all about the quantity of souls. They say you are not living a fruitful life unless you are an evangelist bringing souls to Heaven. In reality, the most important thing to God for us is far above all others: your relationship with him, this extends to non-believers as well. Everything in this walk on Earth is about intimacy and love with The Creator. Everything else will fall in line when you walk closely with God.
Darkness has a primary purpose. To distort the face of God to Humanity. They cannot hurt God. They think they can hurt God, by hurting us. They mock, provoke, tempt, and push God when they lie to us. I will give irrefutable proof that this is Darkness's primary purpose. When a child dies in this life they go directly to Heaven. Satan has intentionally pushed abortion. Why would he do this knowing all of those children are not going to be in Hell? Most of those children would grow up to reject God, especially considering the young generations we have now are the most brainwashed in the history of the World. So why did Darkness do this? Those children are a sacrifice to Moloch, but even more so Darkness was tempting The Lord. They want the Earth to believe God does nothing. They want to hurt his image to Humanity. It was a challenge.
The knowledge of who God is destroys Satan's lies. God is good. The enemy shivers at the thought of YOU living in the truth that God is good. When David took Goliath down what did he do? He did not need to be stronger and more equipped than his enemy. He said you are defying The Lord my God. David had the knowledge proper knowledge of who God is.
I strongly encourage you to watch this 10-minute video (that I clipped) from Jonny Enlow’s Rainbow God series. It directly ties into this subject and will expand your thinking greatly. If you want to watch his 7 Mountain Mandate series click here. The even more advanced understanding - Rainbow God series will take you further, watch here.
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5
Having the proper knowledge of who God is, is incredibly important. When I went through my demonic torment I didn’t know who God was for me. I did not understand how mighty God was on my behalf. And I did not know who the enemy was. Your view of the powers of darkness will either feed into their strength, or it will shut them down completely. Do not view them as a powerful force, be like David. They are filthy in your sight and have no authority over you. Now I view them as weak pathetic beings. I laugh in their faces when I catch their plots against my life. I feel their frustration that I know who I am as a son of God.
With that being said people need to know how high The Most High is over all of creation. God does not send darkness to attack you, what he does do often is allow them to test you. For me personally, God allowed the enemy to push me to my limit so God could wake me up to the spiritual battle. Everything God does, he does in love. Every trial you‘ve ever faced in this life is God training you in faithfulness. He wants to bless you, but first, you must understand your identity. You need to see who God is for you, and what it means that he has made his home in you. Now when I feel the enemy plotting against me I first start by asking The Lord: “what are you trying to teach me?”
Who are you? Why are you the way that you are? As mentioned before, Humanity has the ability to question God's goodness. If people really knew just how good God was, they would never question him. This questioning has brought an orphan spirit to the world. Most are born into broken families. It is far easier to accept that God loves someone when they have a family who loves them. When someone doesn’t have a proper father figure they will struggle to see The Father as who he is. When someone doesn’t have a proper mother figure they will struggle with understanding the compassion of The Holy Spirit.
God wants to break off this orphan spirit over the world. He wants everyone to know where their home really lies - in him. When you accept Jesus into your heart you not only make your home in the Trinity, but the Trinity makes their home in you. Now you are a son or daughter of God. Jesus died on the cross to give you this blessing. We are aliens to this Earth because Heaven is your place of being. Your spirit is with God.
Identity is key in the fight of warfare. If you don’t know who you are you will be led to believe lies. The enemy lies to you constantly. They will whisper in your ears that “you are not good enough.” “You are not worthy of God’s love” They will attempt to brand you as something you are not. A perversion of your identity is a powerful way they can confuse you. This goes back to knowledge. Understand who you are. Cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Jesus.
The meek will inherit the Earth. Pride is a scourge, and idolatry is a plague. Give permission to The Lord to show you who you are. Great are the thoughts God has of you. He made you intentionally, nothing misplaced. He wants you to live in his fruitfulness. If you could see the limitless ocean of God's thoughts about you - you would be undone to yourself. The only thing you can fully trust is God’s voice. He is singing over your life. If God tells you that you are a son or daughter of God, then you are. Love God with all of your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself. Live in love. Love yourself. The enemy desires for you to be a lost orphan. His lies are that of dust when you know who you are, and when you walk in love.
Rest is a primary place of warfare. When in rest the enemy has no power over you. Jesus was deep in rest when the disciples panicked for their lives on the boat. He spoke out of the authority of rest, and the storms dissipated. Peace comes out of the place of rest. If the blessings of life are like a vine then they flow from one another. Faith; Grace; Obedience; Righteousness; REST; Peace; Authority; Truth; Holiness; Joy. Rest is a fruit mostly overlooked by the body of Christ. But it bears incredible significance. Rest produces Peace, which is devastating to darkness, and Humans who want to destroy you.
Your soul is your emotions, your mind is your thoughts. The enemy will attack you here. They want you to be emotionally unstable. They want you to overthink everything in your life. The secret to warfare in rest is simplicity. You step into rest when trust The Lord. “God is with me.” Faith bears the fruit of rest. Living in the knowledge that God is good.
I am a very emotional person. I always have been, and I always will be. Jesus was also emotional and he lived a sinless walk. All 3 of the Trinity are emotional. The 7 Spirits of God mentioned throughout the Bible have different names. It is my belief that along with other things, they represent the 7 primary emotions of God. The Trinity is in a continual dance of joy over all of creation, yet also they are wrath and just. These emotions they feel are continual. They will not leave their joy and peace when they are righteously angry. Do not fear emotion, but seek only to understand what aligning your emotions and mind to Christ looks like. Ask The Lord to show you. Give permission to God to transform your understanding.
We are like God. We are made in their image. We are called to be conformed to the image of Jesus (perfection.) Jesus is the prince of peace. Jesus is love. Everything you do should be done in peace and love. Rest in who he is for you.
Once we learn how to live in the rest of The Holy Spirit the enemy will contend with you on it. Chaos is an agent they will push. There will be periods when you forget to rest. It will not be your undoing, what will hurt you is if you cannot learn to re-enter rest. Over time you will become more and more resilient to their attacks. You will learn how to quickly cast down their attacks and get back into the love of Christ. Yes, this still happens to me. I struggled with my rest the past couple of days, the enemy attacked my peace. They wanted me to fear for my future. I bought in for a moment. I do believe now that that was intentional for me to write this. Now that I am back in rest the enemy is frustrated again. God covers those in joy who lean back into the spirit of his love.
Praise The Lord in your fight. Proclaim his goodness. Count your blessings. When feeling the weight of the battle enter into thanksgiving. God will strengthen you. He wants you to rise above your enemies.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 1 John 4: 18
Darkness understands the power of fear. Look at the way the Cabal harnesses fear against the population. The MSM pushes a constant cycle of fear propaganda. Covid was the largest fear operation we have seen in our lifetime. Again - everything goes back to the knowledge of God. Perfect love drives out fear because when you are in his hands no weapon can prosper against you. When we let go of fear and exchange it with love, the enemy loses its grip.
This is where the right perspective comes in. What do we have to fear from the powers of darkness? They are very prolific at making themselves big before us. They have power through our image of them. Do you think of them as this big and devastating force? Then they will be that. Ask God to remove your fear of them. They will become your footstool. The demonic forces are basically magicians. They use trickery to fool you. But when you look behind the curtain they are small and weak. If I’m honest I feel bad for them. Sad pathetic beings. They rejected God, now they are vile and filthy. They wanted to play God. They know deep down that they have made the worst mistake conceivable. Yet they are evil incarnate. They have been stripped of any life from God, now they are living existence separate from him. In this place is pure misery.
When on the battlefield of the spirit you will quickly realize Humanity is connected to the same branch. Some days the warfare is high, some days it is low and joy and rest are easy to obtain. There are seasons of low and high warfare. On days when the warfare is high, I expect people to be swayed to those feelings. Even on Truth Social, I see that we are all in the same boat in ways. I also call this the vibe (no I don’t care if you think it’s a dumb word, it is real.) You know those days when you are not in a great mood, and you go on social media to see fighting and frustration? Recognize that the spiritual atmosphere is low. When times are like this I choose to stay in rest and avoid the cloud of frustration, I often times will just avoid social media. Or in other times when I feel the grace for it, I will attempt to help people feel peace.
In these times the enemy will be more active than normal. It is a good time to praise The Lord for your blessings. Put on worship music. Pray. Do something you enjoy. Spend time with your family. If you are in a weak state from the warfare you are of no use to the political movements. You will carry your pessimism into your comments and posts. It’s ok to take breaks.
Some naturally lean towards pessimism over optimism usually because of life circumstances. I must be blunt here, but pessimism is not meant for you. You are not a glass-half-empty person. You just have not seen and felt the incredible power of Christ's optimism. If you are to conform to the image of Jesus, how can you be pessimistic? Do you think there is a single fiber of God’s being that is negative? There is not. He is overflowing with optimism and he wants you to step into that world. When you live in love and optimism you will bless others around you. You will show them the beauty of staying above the powers of darkness.
When we talk about the movie ‘The Matrix’ it’s unbelievable the relevance it has to life. Not only politically and involving the Cabal, but spiritually. When your eyes open spiritually to the battlefield you will start seeing the plots of the enemy. You will see layers of how they are trying to hurt your relationship progression with God. One layer you will pick up on quickly I like to call the Agent Smith. In the movie, Agent Smith was able to morph into people to attack the ones who are awake. While believers cannot be possessed, they can carry demons. Demons can be attached to people and they will be under their rule in some form. It is even worse for non-believers. The enemy can manifest their anger towards you from people. Have you ever just said to yourself “why are people being so angry with me today?” It is likely the enemy is not happy with your progress. When I was going through deeper levels of spiritual awakening this happened to me very frequently. I would be in conversations with people and in a flash of a second they would transform into the accuser. Anger spews from their lips. How to combat this is the same thing we talked about above, do not let them deter you, and stay in rest. There are only a few people in my life I have never seen this from. Just to be clear, if this does happen it doesn’t necessarily mean they have a demon attached to them, it is likely though.
Another form the enemy will use is that of confusion. When God is teaching more in-depth on something, the enemy will purposely target that subject to throw you off. When this happens it is important to remember that not everything you see, hear, and read is true. Use your discernment. Trust your instincts on truth. Jesus is Truth. Don’t let the enemy teach you. Receive all the wisdom and knowledge God wants to bestow you with in purity.
With everything I’ve talked about here you should know there is a place where you can stay above all warfare. God is within. But God’s presence can rest upon people. The only times I feel truly above the warfare is when I am completely wrapped in the presence of God. In this place, there is no discontentment. There is perfect rest and joy. Demons flee when God’s presence comes. This is my ultimate goal and something God has shown me to pursue. To live so intertwined with his presence that it is impossible to even be touched by the enemy.
The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions. Proverbs 28: 1
Some may never be called to this battlefield. It affects everyone, but God takes everyone where they are. Some are better off living their everyday lives asleep to these things. But those who are called to be warriors in the name of The Lord are tough. Be unshakable in your spirit. Be unmovable to the enemies' attacks. You are powerful. You are a rock on which others can look for courage. You are under the power of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. There have never been more warriors in the faith as there are now. Some are leaders, some are behind the scenes. What’s important is that we all make up the body of Christ. We are learning what it means to be the bride of Christ. God has given you every tool in which to succeed. What is truly amazing is that your success on the battlefield does not determine how much God loves you. You don’t have to earn his love. If you fail a test he has created for you, he will give you more chances to succeed, which means an upgrade to your walk.
Of all the subjects I spoke of in regards to spiritual warfare here the most important by far is your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That is the entire battlefield. The enemy wants to weaken your path with Jesus. The Father and Holy Spirit are training you to become more like Jesus. Your identity is in Jesus. You are strong because of Jesus. You are weak without him. Give all of yourself in surrender to perfect love. There is no one like him. There is nothing in this life that will ever satisfy you but the love of the Trinity. You were made to love them, and be loved by them.
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So good!! God called me into the battlefield back on Aug 27th of last year. I had no idea what the words I heard him whisper to me meant that night... I thought I was delirious and told myself to just go to sleep. It wasn't until months later, and lots of faith based counseling that I understood it... I’m so glad I wrote about in my journal and its awesome to look back at what I wrote. It literally says, "it's like he was calling me into battle when I heard a whisper say, "don't give up, I need people like you" ". And reading this is just more affirmation. God is so good to us!! He is truly an amazing Father and we so are lucky to His children.
This is so right on!! When God called me into this battle after the 2020 election, He told me to "Know your enemy". I had no idea what He was about to show me and teach me. Waking up has been the most challenging, interesting, heartbreaking, frustrating, fun and fulfilling journey I have ever been on. We will soon see the greatest victory on the earth that man has ever seen. God is soooo good. I didn't know just how good until a few weeks ago as I received a deeper glorious revelation. I am still amazed at Him. We are chosen for such a time as this. I am so honored.